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First and foremost, I want to thank God for blessing me with another day. I want to give Him all the honor, praises, and glory. I thank God for The Great I AM Faith Center, Pastor Mel, First Lady Beverly, and everyone who is a part of this ministry. It has been exactly a year and one month since God led me to this ministry. I vividly recall praying before my 30th birthday and asking God what my purpose was here on Earth. During a therapy session, I felt a wave of energy hit me out of nowhere. I instantly started crying happy tears because I knew right away what God's purpose for my life was. There was a powerful and magnetic feeling in the room that day. I went looking for answers on Facebook, YouTube, and Google. Someone I have known for over 15 years connected me with Pastor Mel that same day. Pastor Mel gave me chills and confirmed what God put in my spirit. All of this transpired in June of 2021. That summer, I took a leap of faith and decided to drop ALL of my college courses to enroll in Film classes. Of course, I doubted myself. However, God would send reminders to trust Him and that I am on the right path. By the end of summer 2021, I chose to commit to the Lord.
Choosing to stay with The Great I AM Faith Center has been one the best decisions of my life. Pastor Mel has taught me to build a relationship with God by reading the word every Wednesday during Bible study. First Lady Beverly has taught me how to pray during prayer calls every Thursday. Every Sunday sermon has taught me valuable lessons and helped me get through some low moments. I have grown so much within this last year. And for that, I am thankful. Everything I have prayed for with everyone involved in this ministry has come to pass one thing at a time. NEVER underestimate the power of prayer!
Being here, I have learned to trust the process. Everyone must go through the process. The process has helped me develop my character, given me patience, and allowed me to have faith and trust in God. My journey hasn't been a walk in the park. I do have my moments. However, God will always bring me back to Him. Choosing to walk with God is not for the weak. However, it is worth it! Again, all the honor, praises, and glory go to God. Have a blessed day!
Flor C.
Hi Pastor Mel. We're doing great! God is good. You were right. My husband reached out to me about some random thing and I did exactly what you said, wishing him well where he's at and that he's comfortable and safe. That was shortly after we spoke on Saturday. And then yesterday, he asked me out to dinner. I went and we talked, civilly. He wanted to come home. I asked him to take it slow but welcome him and invite him to come over any time to spend time with us. He hesitated but agreed. Pastor Mel, I didn't want him to come home so soon. Before he left, I received an impression from the Lord that He cannot work on my husband because I am in the way. So I wanted to allow God to work in my husband so when he returns home, he's ready to be my husband and our children’s father, and some day, be the spiritual leader that he was called to be in our family. God is so good. Most of the time the journey feels like there is no hope but I declare God is in my story! Thank you, Pastor Mel, for the talk and uplifting my spirit. It reminded me of how real God's faithfulness is! God bless you and your ministry, Pastor Mel! Praises and glory to Him in the highest! My God, my God, He's an awesome God!
Sister in Christ
Thank you so much - thank God that I was able to have the opportunity to talk to you guys for the encouraging words, prayers, and focus. I really do appreciate it; thank you for letting me see what God has instilled in me to open my heart and mind, and to let him in to fully guide my path without any doubt in my mind. For letting me see that the strength that I have in me - He instilled that in me, and I don’t have to fall weak or victim to the things that are out there or the people that tried to be around me or in my company. I thank you for letting me see that God still loves me unconditionally even though I had fallen.
Pastor Mel, I've been so blessed since I met you and the church. I wish I could offer more. I am deeply humbled by your love, prayers, and ministry. God bless you and the church. Thank you, every day, for your daily prayers and messages. With love, Vilai
Pastor Mel thank you so much! I’m so grateful to you for praying for me and speaking life into me when I was at my lowest point! I really appreciate it! It definitely changed my mind and helped me to get up again!
Sherry Tatum
I first started going to our church and the spirit began to grow in me. From the smallest to the biggest problem would bend me out of shape. I would use them as excuses to go and get high, just putting misery upon misery. As you taught me to lean on the holy spirit more and more, I grew to look at issues dead-on and I shifted and began to sing hallelujah in the middle of my storms and let Jesus guide me to stand firm, knowing in faith that nothing of this world can overcome my Lord and Savior. I thank you so much, pastor, for being there and for sharing your love of God with me for all your prayers. I love you and MS Beverly dearly for the hope and love you poured into my life and into the church. You got a family member for life - you guys are stuck with me now! Have a great day pastor.
Gary Baca
Even during this Pandemic in 2020, I have blessed beyond measure. I been asking God for a promotion in my work so can have more financial freedom and a better schedule to be available on weekends for my family. I applied for a demotion that had better off days, but I knew that it might be a downgrade I just rather be happy with my family. The position required 3 total tests for consideration. I failed the second test and cried of frustration and disappointment. I didn’t understand how I could fail a test for a lower pay level. I then applied for a promotion position and got an interview. There were 25 applicants and I was selected one of the 5 finalists. One day while at work I got the call that I had been promoted with better pay and better off days. God knew what he wanted for me even though I wanted to demote myself he did not let me. Now I know why that demotion did not happen - God gave me what I truly deserved and desired!! I am blessed By Him against my will! This taught me a good lesson, be patient and believe!! Amen.
Iris Gudino
There is truly power in prayer! There is truly power in the word of God! I am thankful for "The Great I AM Faith Center", Pastor Melvin & Beverly Silas. This is a place that educates you on the importance of prayer, the importance of exercising your Faith. As of recently we all have been dealing a lot with the pandemic, racial injustice, and just everyday issues, but God. Last year December 31, 2019, it ended with me finding out my uncle, who I have been trying to find for years was in a hit & run accident and passed away. I prayed through this, and God worked through a gentleman at the cemetery to get him buried. It took five months to bury my uncle. There was no life insurance, but God worked it out. Then comes COVID-19! My work began to suffer, hours were reduced, but God. I prayed through this, and God like always provided. He kept a roof over me and my kids head. He kept food on our table, and made sure that we were blessed. I took my daughter to daycare, and at the end of the day the provider called and said she was not feeling well. She later got tested for COVID and it came back positive, but God. Although my daughter and I had been around her, God showed us grace & we quarantined and came out good and so did the day care provider. Being a mom, things can become so overwhelming. I know that I am not alone in this Journey, God has always had my back. As long as I continue to be faithful to him.
Our God is an awesome God! We are tested daily, and how we go through these tests are very important. We must pray & stand on the word of God daily. My Pastor educates his congregation that it's not about religion, but the relationship with the Father is so important. Just knowing that no matter what you are going through, continue to have faith & God will bring you through. God will deliver, just don't give up. Keep up the good fight of faith!
Naomi Tarver
I grew up as a Shaman then a Baptist and through church I learned of God and Jesus. I was a baby Christian just knowing the basics but not enough of God or Jesus but I knew not to do or say certain things that would place myself away from God.
Then one day I meet a lovely lady by the name of Cer and she was who God sent to me, the woman that I was looking for from all the others I've have dated. The only thing was that she lived in Los Angeles and I was in Stockton, it's a 5 hr. long drive and I haven't been to Los Angeles before and all I know is that the traffic is very bad. It was a long-distance relationship and she informed me that if I wanted to pursued her, I would have to go to church with her, get prophesied and receive the Holy Spirit.
At this time in my life I was living with the family and I was helping with the mortgage which was $500 a month. I talked to my big brother about this and weighted the Pros and Cons and I didn't want to leave my family in a difficult financial problem.
So, I took the leap of faith and pursued Cer and did everything she asked me too. We became boyfriend and girlfriend and lived together and we were looking for a home church and it took some time but we found it with this church The Great I AM Faith Center.
Cer and I have been together for almost 9 years and married for 1 year now and I can honestly say the 9 years was not easy it was rough for the both of us but it’s getting better now. I know that it was God, he was the glue that kept us together because there were moments in time that we might not have worked out. I thank God for everything he has done in my life and for everything/everyone in it. I am so blessed and so can you.
What am I saying ... Sometimes you have to take the leap of faith and pursue your dreams when God is leading you. I found my wife, home church and the Holy Spirit and reconnected with God and Jesus again. Walk in Faith Everyday (WIFE) as God leads the way !!!
William Lee
We had received an enormous water bill that was triple what we normally paid. We called and they said the meter was read by a technician. Then we started calling spoke with the utilities commission, who thoroughly looked at our history and bills, so they requested the meter be examined. They took it out and said it was properly working but God knew there was an error and it was made by the technician in inputting the figures. As we prayed, confessed and believed we received a called stating just pay what you normally pay and they will adjust the balance. Lord we are truly grateful and thankful for you being everywhere seeing all things and making it right. Hallelujah our God answers prayer. The effectual prayers of Gods servants do and are receiving his miraculous blessings. Amen