
Gary & Lisa

Gary & Lisa

Outreach Ministry

Blessings. First and foremost,  

All glory to the KING of kings for the salvation of our family and the mercy and grace poured into our lives. Words can’t describe the gratitude we have as we are able to be LEADERS, not only in our home but in our community. 

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart. As working for the Lord, NOT for men.” 1 Colossians 3:23 

We focus on serving God wholeheartedly together as a family. God molds us and continues his work through our servitude. We continuously serve in our home church and other local ministries, and we strive in being efficient for the KINGDOM. 

In 2019, God placed the opportunity for us to attend a CHH (Christian Hip-Hop) Concert as a family and it was truly a remarkable experience for us all, we were able to witness the power of the Lord and we immediately became intrigued. After the concert I reached out to the ministry who hosted the event in hopes of connecting. Months later I was invited to volunteer, and God moved in my life in such a way that I desired to serve him in this area also, later me and sister Mayra became close friends and sisters in Christ. I am now the Assistant Coordinator for JLHM (Jesus Lifted High Ministry). I work diligently in the background in prayer and administration to provide CHH concerts that usher in the Holy Spirit. Our desire is to use this music as an anchor to reach the lost. We have been blessed to see the way God has worked in our lives and we desire only to do more and to become more efficient for the kingdom of God. This is US 

We are builders for the kingdom, and we believe that God will continue the work that he started. Until then we will continue to lift up the name of Jesus 

We want to stay in touch with you