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Let God's Peace Serve as an Umpire For Your Mind and Emotions!
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body: and be ye thankful. Colossians 3: 15
Have you ever had one of those days when there was so much confusion whirling around your head that you felt like screaming, “STOP”? From time to time, everyone has that kind of a day. And when you do, your temptation is probably either to get in the flesh and react to someone in an ugly way or to get depressed, go to bed, and forget about it all. However, you know that neither choice will help you solve the problems you are facing.
Rather than throw in the towel and give way to these emotions that want to get the best of you, why not stop right now and make a decision to let the Word of God rule you today? When I say “rule” you, I’m talking about God’s supernatural peace dominating and governing every emotion and situation that confronts you. If you don’t make this decision and follow through with it, worry, fear, insecurity, doubt, and a whole host of other emotions will assuredly try to take control. And there is no worse roller-coaster ride than when you are being knocked all over the place by emotions that are out of control! Instead, let the peace of God rule in your heart, as Paul wrote in Colossians 3: 15. He said, “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.”
I especially want you to notice the word “rule” in this verse. It is from the Greek word brabeuo, which in ancient times was used to describe the umpire or referee who moderated and judged the athletic competitions that were so popular in the ancient world. Paul uses this word to tell us that the peace of God can work like an umpire or referee in our hearts, minds, and emotions. When detrimental emotions attempt to exert control over us or try to throw us into an emotional frenzy, we can stop it from happening by making the choice to let God’s peace rise up from deep inside us like an umpire or referee to moderate our emotions. As we do, we will be kept under the control of that divine peace as it rules in our hearts. When this divine umpire called “peace” steps into the game, it suddenly begins to call the shots and make all the decisions instead of fretfulness, anxiety, and worry.
Colossians 3: 15 could be translated: “Let the peace of God call the shots in your life....” “Let the peace of God be the umpire in your life and actions....” “Let the peace of God act as referee in your emotions and your decisions....” Even though it’s true that everyone has hard days and difficult weeks, you don’t have to surrender to those emotions that try to steal your joy, disturb your relationships, and rob you of your victory. When you feel overwhelmed by problems or emotions that are hitting you from every direction, just stop a moment and deliberately set your heart and mind on Jesus and the Word of God. As you do this, the wonderful, conquering, dominating, supernatural peace of God will rise up from your spirit and take control!
Renner, Rick. Sparkling Gems From the Greek Vol. 1 (p. 2). Harrison House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
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