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God Is My GPS
Happy New Year family! Praying you and your family are off to a wonderful start to the new year. The other day I had to run an errand in a new location. I hopped into my car not knowing where and how to get there so I opened Google Maps and entered in the address to my destination. Without any hesitation, I put on my seat-belt and allowed Google Maps to lead the way. It got me thinking how easily we put our trust in a map app to route our destination but hesitate in trusting God to lead us to our destination.
I’m going to put myself on blast here and raise my hand because in the past I have hesitated. Am I the only person who has hesitated when it came to trusting God? Most of us are shaped by our lived experience and if you’ve experienced any sort of hurt or pain you’re more likely to be more reserve with your trust. The truth of the matter is trust requires a relationship. That is what God wants from us a personal relationship. How do we cultivate a personal relationship with God? Well, I would ask how do nurture your relationship with your friends? I spend time with friends and talk to them giving them my time because I love them. God desires us to spend time with Him. He longs to hear from us. Why? Because He loves us.
The more time I spent with God, the better understanding I got of Him. God is faithful. God is merciful. God is truth. God is love. Don’t let your past hurt with people rob you of a relationship with God and the plans He has for you. Speak to Him and declare His words. God, I trust You and the plans you have for me. Your plans are to prosper and not harm me. So, Lord, I call on to You. You said if I come to You and pray, You would listen. You said if I seek You, I shall find You with my heart. (Jeremiah 29:11-13, NIV) God, I trust you to lead the path to my destination because You are trustworthy.
Yes, people will disappoint you. Heck, I will disappoint you unknowingly and knowingly however God is still working on me and He’s still working on you. The good news is, He’ll never give up on us. God is a good Father. I don’t want you reading this thinking everything will be all rainbows and sunshine because being a Christian doesn’t shield us from hard times, but we can find comfort knowing He’s there with us in the midst of everything. Just as Jeremiah 29 says, we can come to Him and He will listen. We can find Him in our hearts. The next time I’m in my car, I’m going to look up and tell God, “Let’s go! I’m ready. Lead the way.”
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