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Go to God with Childlike Faith
I often wondered as a child how other people were living. What were they doing? What did they eat? What did they do for fun? These were thoughts of a 10 year old. Who would have ever imagined YouTube decades later? Obviously, I didn’t invent YouTube, but I did imagine how people lived, what they ate, where they traveled, and what they did for fun.
How wonderful would it be to imagine like a child again without any fears, inhibitions, self-consciousness, reservations, and shyness? In Luke 18:17, Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Children are totally dependent on their parents for direction and guidance. They have complete trust in their parents. Anyone who wants to enter the kingdom of God must receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior in the spirit of a little child without any fears, inhibitions, self-consciousness, reservations, and shyness. You can have complete confidence in the finished works of Jesus.
You can trust God and go to Him with childlike faith. Do you remember the story of Abram and Sarai? They weren’t able to conceive. God asked Abram to imagine. He told Abram, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” (Genesis 15:5 NIV)
Are you weary? Perhaps God is asking you to imagine like Abram. Have you looked up and counted the stars? Abram had complete trust in God like a child without any doubts. Abram didn’t rely on his confidence but he relied on God’s confidence. God is faithful and dependable. God is not a liar. You can go to Him like a child in spirit for comfort and solace. Allow yourself to imagine like a child again without any fears, inhibitions, self-consciousness, reservations, and shyness. By doing so, you will find rest in Him.
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