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Dreams Come True
Do you believe God can still answer your prayers? The first time I ever heard, “I’m living in my prayers” was from Dr. Melvin Silas’ sermon. That caught my attention. I don’t know about you, but I was tired of watching others get on the dream bus while I was stuck watching from the sidelines.
What was holding me back from living the dreams God placed in my heart? I was a great cheerleader for others but when it came to me, I was a gloom-leader. I could shout to the roof for others but would come short for myself. How many times have I said, “God’s no respecter of persons.” But did I believe it for myself. Did I believe God could do it for me too?
I knew at the young age of 8 years old; I wanted to live and travel abroad. I’ve studied abroad in England during college and also have traveled internationally, however I have never lived internationally for more than three months. Life can get in the way at times. At least that’s what I told myself and I talked myself out of this dream.
Then the pandemic happened and it woke me up. I didn’t want to continue to live the same way. I didn’t want to be stuck in an office and look out the window wishing I were somewhere else. God didn’t design me this way. He said I could have abundantly more. That’s the thing about faith, either you’re going to step up or stay stuck. Faith required my action. God always used a person to demonstrate faith like Abraham leaving his country, people and household and going to a new land and the woman with the issue of blood stepped out on faith to touch the fringe of Jesus’ clothing. These are just two examples with many more in the Bible.
I started dreaming again but kept my dream to teach abroad tight within my heart. I didn’t tell anyone at the time so I was shocked when my Spiritual Father spoke it over me. I didn’t know the how’s, what’s and when’s but I knew my dream was still alive.
I wish I could tell you it was all rainbows and sunshine after getting the confirmation but truth be told the waiting season is never easy nor fun. Over the last two and half years, I applied to many teaching jobs in Taiwan with no replies. Doubt and discouragement started to enter my heart but I knew it had to be God who reminded me of this dream so I kept fighting the good fight of faith.
During the two and a half years, I went back to school and got my Masters. I got my substitute teaching license and my TEFL certificate. I started teaching. I know now why it took over two years for a reply. God was maturing me. He was preparing and perfecting me.
It’s been officially two weeks since I moved to Taiwan. To God be the glory. Only He could have made this happened. There were a lot of unknowns but I was reminded I’m not in control. I had to trust Him and know that He had my back. All the unknowns were non-issues. He worked them all out.
I’m settling into my new neighborhood. I’m learning the bus and train systems. I have this wonderful opportunity to live in a new country, learn about its history, people, language, food and culture. I’m exploring Taiwan with God right by my side. I’m enjoying His presence on this new adventure. What a ride it’s been so far!!!
Now I have BIGGER DREAMS! God has more for me and He has more for you too. I can finally say, “I’m living in my prayers.” The answer to my question is yes, God can still answer your prayers.
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