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Change Your Perspective
As the year comes to an end with only eighteen days until the New Year, I pray the grace of God is with you and your family. I’ve been reflecting on the last year almost as if I was giving myself a year end performance review. Who else remembers having to do an employee self-evaluation and having to check the following boxes, did not meet expectations, met expectations, and exceeded expectations? My self-evaluation list comprised of bitterness, anger, forgiveness, hope, service, kindness, humility, love, etc. In all honestly, I failed miserably in some of these areas but thank goodness God’s love isn’t based on my performance. Instead of focusing on my abilities, I focused on who God is and came up with a new comprised list because He exceeds all expectations.
- God loves me.
- God is faithful.
- God’s grace is sufficient.
- God’s promises are unfailing.
- God is always with me.
- God will never leave me.
I had to change my perspective and stop focusing on my own abilities. I was wasting time reflecting on my lack instead of being dependent on God. The world will look at our outward appearances where God will look at our hearts. 1 Samuel 16:7, NIV. Although I checked the did not meet expectations, I’m still a work in progress. God knows the intentions of my heart and my motivations. In the next twelve days, we will be celebrating the birth of Jesus. May we always remember how much God loves us.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16, NIV
By Hua Her
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